Advancing Awareness, Transparency & Education for Greater Resilience in the Built Environment

Learn More about Resilient-Smart and Improve Your Score

Taking the Resilient-Smart Quiz is an important first step. If you scored 100%, congrats! We need more like you spreading the word. This information can help you help others. If you scored less, you’ll benefit from reading the below. Then if you like, retake the quiz.
Resilience is not about nature, the weather, or the government. It’s about being a knowledgeable consumer and making the resilient choice.
Every family deserves to live in a Resilient Home, starting with yours.

Sheltering at Home: Make it your Castle

Make your current or future home your castle, not the place you’ll have to run away from.
Your family, like every family, has the right to be in a safe and lasting home.

BUILT TO LAST? documentary more relevant than ever

In the midst of COVID-19, the hazard-resilience of our homes is only second in importance to our personal resilience to the virus. This documentary educates citizens around the world on what they should know and do.